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What Is Herbal Medicine? | Herbal Remedies | The Herb Clinic

Want to find out more about herbal medicines and remedies? Discover the ancient tradition of studying and using herbs for their healing properties, here.

What Is Herbal Medicine?

After three months, I would say that I was 90% better. After 4 months, 99% better. The skin irritation that had been a constant part of my daily life has now gone. The relief and improvement in my quality of life is immeasurable
— David H

The active phytochemicals in herbs have been used for centuries to mobilise the natural healing processes of the body restoring balance to poorly-functioning areas.

Phytotherapy combines these long-recognised qualities with modern research and practice. Through the highest professional standards of consultation, bespoke medicines made from whole plant extracts, are prescribed and prepared in-house for the individual patient. It is not unusual for one bespoke medicine to address specific, yet unrelated health complaints whilst also optimising overall health.

When applied in this way, herbs can be used to help patients of all ages and with most medical conditions, either alone or alongside medicines prescribed by your Doctor.

In the Western world we have come to regard Herbal Medicine as ‘alternative’, yet it is historically the original form of medicine. The use of plants for medicine around the world still vastly exceeds the use of modern, synthetic drugs.

Many modern medicines are derived from, or have been formulated to emulate the medicinal properties of plants whilst they continue to be appreciated in pharmaceutical research as a major source of new medicines. Whilst our important, modern derivatives have been developed to powerfully target very specific conditions and illnesses, many people prefer to continue to rely on the natural powers of Herbal Medicine. The huge benefits of medicine in its most natural form are being re-discovered, whilst the low risk of side effects is being increasingly recognised and appreciated.

Research continues to reveal more about the active constituents of plants and how they interact with the body. This research very often validates and explains traditional applications, thereby endorsing the place of Herbal Medicine in modern medical practice.