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The Menopause

Find out more about how Herbal Medicine can help during the menopause.

If you’re looking for a natural, positive approach to the menopause then a bespoke herbal medicine has much to offer.

A Natural Approach to the Menopause

Women have used herbs for centuries to smooth the transition through the menopause.

If you’re looking for a natural, positive approach to this time of life then a bespoke herbal medicine has much to offer.

Herbs are carefully used to help the body adapt to changes in hormones and improve symptoms such as hot flushes, anxiety, low mood, poor sleep, exhaustion, headache and to help you to feel ‘more like the real me’.

The Menopause & Perimenopause

You’re technically in the menopause if you haven’t had a period for 12 months. The phase before this is known as the perimenopause which for many women is when symptoms start. During this time hormone surges tend to become more erratic, and as a result periods may become irregular and vary from heavy to light, pre-menstrual symptoms may appear or worsen and other common menopausal symptoms can begin.

Bespoke medicines to help smooth the menopausal transition.

Everyone is different so there is no set combination of herbs that is right everyone.

The benefit of a consultation and bespoke medicine is that it allows me to look at you as an individual and work out which herbs will best support you, whether it be to address poor sleep, mood swings, hot flushes, etc.

If you are struggling with menopausal symptoms call to book an appointment or for a free confidential discussion about how herbal medicine could help on 07736829755.