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The Consultation | Our Process | The Herb Clinic

Find out everything you need to know about our consultation process and how you can harness the healing properties of herbs, here.

Our Consultation Process

...Instead of having to take pills for this, that and the other throughout the day, I only have a single medicine to remember that is completely bespoke to me. I have never had a single side effect! From time to time, I do suffer from the dreaded 4am “wake-and-worry”, so I simply take Ginny’s relaxing sleep mixture and my normal sleep pattern soon returns.
— SE, Leicester

The Consultation

Conventional medical diagnosis is used during an unhurried, personal and comprehensive consultation, during which the wider aspects of your health are fully considered, including any medication you may be taking, your diet and lifestyle. A physical examination is also carried out as necessary, such as checking blood pressure, listening to lungs or examining the visible manifestation of your condition such as the skin. This typically takes an hour.

Treatment Plan

Following the consultation, a carefully formulated and balanced herbal medicine is prescribed - uniquely prepared to your own specific needs and treatment. Diet and lifestyle advice is also given as part of your treatment plan. So much more than symptomatic relief, I will look beyond the obvious directing treatment at the root cause of health problems.

Your medicine is truly bespoke; even with a similar health problem, no two people are the same, therefore no two prescriptions are exactly the same.

Treatment is generally a liquid medicine (tincture) that is conveniently taken in a small amount of water. Herbal tablets, creams, lotions, shampoos, teas and syrups may also be prescribed as required.

Herbal medicine is generally compatible with conventional medicine although it is important that any current prescriptions are taken into account by a qualified Herbalist.


Follow up consultations allow for progress to be carefully monitored and are generally booked for four weeks later, depending on individual requirements.


  • Initial consultation (1 1⁄4 hours including 15 mins dispensing time) £65

  • Follow up consultation (45 mins including 15 mins dispensing time) £45

  • IgG Food Intolerance Testing & Consultation £130

  • Bespoke Liquid Medicine £13 per week* (reduced rate for children)

  • Creams, tablets, teas, syrups, shampoos etc charged as required.

* based on typical weekly dose of 100ml

cancellation policy

Please give a minimum of 48 hours notice of cancellation. This allows us to offer the appointment to others in need.

All late-cancelled appointments will be subject to a charge of 50% of the consultation fee and missed appointments will be charged at full fee. If we are able to fill a late-cancelled appointment this charge will be waived.